class CANAnalyserTCPIP (ip_address: str, port: int, connect=False, debug_output=False)
A basic python class to use the standard communication methods of the SLSS CANAnalyser TCP/IP interface
Create a new instance and setup the TCP/IP connection by the given parameters
- The IP address or hostname of the target system where the SLSS CANAnalyser software TCP/IP server is running
- The opened port of the CANAnalyser TCP/IP server
- [optional/default=False] The indicator if the server connection should be established when the instance is created (False) or gets established manually (False)
- [optional/default=False] The indicator if the debug log output should be printed to the console (True) or not (False)
slss_com = CANAnalyserTCPIP("", 49836, True, False)
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class CANAnalyserTCPIP: """ A basic python class to use the standard communication methods of the SLSS CANAnalyser TCP/IP interface """ sck = None ip_address = None debug_output = False port = None chA_muted = False chA_muted_save = False chB_muted = False chB_muted_save = False """ MAIN CONNECTION IMPLEMENTATIONS """ def __init__(self, ip_address: str, port: int, connect=False, debug_output=False): """ Create a new instance and setup the TCP/IP connection by the given parameters Args: ip_address (string): The IP address or hostname of the target system where the SLSS CANAnalyser software TCP/IP server is running port (int): The opened port of the CANAnalyser TCP/IP server connect (bool): [optional/default=False] The indicator if the server connection should be established when the instance is created (False) or gets established manually (False) debug_output (bool): [optional/default=False] The indicator if the debug log output should be printed to the console (True) or not (False) Example: slss_com = CANAnalyserTCPIP("", 49836, True, False) """ self.ip_address = ip_address self.port = port self.set_debug_mode(True) if debug_output else self.set_debug_mode(False) self.establish_connection() if connect else None def establish_connection(self): """ Establish the TCP/IP connection to the SLSS CANAnalyser software manually after the instance was created without doing it. Please make sure that the Server in the software was started before! """ try: sck = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) sck.connect((self.ip_address, self.port)) sck.setblocking(False) self.sck = sck self.log_output(1, f"TCP/IP connection established to {self.ip_address} on port {self.port}") except ConnectionRefusedError: self.log_output(0, f"Could not establish TCP/IP connection to {self.ip_address} on port {self.port}. Check the settings and if the TCP/IP interface is active in the CANAnalyser software!") def close_connection(self): """ Close the TCP/IP connection to the SLSS CANAnalyser software """ try: self.sck.close() self.log_output(1, f"TCP/IP connection closed to {self.ip_address} on port {self.port}") except Exception: self.log_output(0, f"Could not close TCP/IP connection to {self.ip_address} on port {self.port}") def flush_incoming_data(self): """ Flush the receive buffer to remove all incoming TCP/IP data """ while True: try: chunk = self.sck.recv(1024) except BlockingIOError: break """ MAIN SENDING AND RECEIVING COMMANDS """ def send_CAN_message(self, channel: str, id_decimal: int, payload_decimal: list, is_extended=False, is_fd_message=False, is_fd_bit_rate_switch=False): """ Send a CAN / CAN FD message via the TCP/IP interface Args: channel (string): The destination CAN channel (A, B, AB) id_decimal (int): The can message arbitration id in decimal notation payload_decimal (list): The CAN data payload as list of decimal numbers (0-255) is_extended (bool): [optional/default=False] The indicator if the message is send with extended arbitration id (True) or not (False) is_fd_message (bool): [optional/default=False] The indicator if the message is send as CAN FD message (True) or not (False) is_fd_bit_rate_switch (bool): [optional/default=False] The indicator if the message should use the CAN FD bit rate switch (True) or not (False) Example: slss_com.send_CAN_message("AB", 10, [0, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70]) send a standard CAN message (not extended) on CAN channel A and B to arb. Id 10 slss_com.send_CAN_message("AB", 20, [0, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70], True) send a extended CAN message on CAN channel A and B to arb. Id 20 slss_com.send_CAN_message("AB", 30, [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11], True, True) send a extended FD message without bit rate switch on CAN channel A and B to arb. Id 30 slss_com.send_CAN_message("AB", 40, [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11], False, True, True) send a bit rate switched CAN FD message on CAN channel A and B to arb. Id 40 """ payload = "_".join(payload_decimal) is_fd_message = True if len(payload_decimal) > 8 else is_fd_message payload = payload.rstrip() if not is_extended else payload.rstrip() + " *" payload = payload + " %1" if not is_fd_message and not is_fd_bit_rate_switch else payload payload = payload + " %2" if is_fd_message and not is_fd_bit_rate_switch else payload payload = payload + " %3" if is_fd_bit_rate_switch else payload message = f"SEND_{channel}:{str(id_decimal)} {payload}#" debug_text = "" if self.debug_output: debug_text = "[EXT]" if is_extended else debug_text debug_text = debug_text + "[FD]" if is_fd_message else debug_text debug_text = debug_text + "[BRS]" if is_fd_bit_rate_switch else debug_text try: self.sck.send(message.encode()) self.log_output(1, f"Send {debug_text} CAN message {str(payload_decimal)} send to id {str(id_decimal)}") except Exception: self.log_output(0, f"Could not send {debug_text} CAN message {str(payload_decimal)} to id {str(id_decimal)}. Check the given data and/or the TCP/IP connection and try again!") def receive_CAN_message(self, return_as_dict_list=False, buffer_size=4096): """ Receive CAN messages via the TCP/IP interface Args: return_as_dict_list (bool): [optional/default=False] The indicator if the message information should be returned as list of dictionaries (True) or as string (False) buffer_size (int): [optional/default=4096] The size of the receive buffer Return: (string)/(dictionary): The received CAN messages forwarded by the SLSS CANAnalyser software as string or list of dictionaries """ retVal = "" retList = [] try: self.sck.setblocking(False) data = self.sck.recv(buffer_size) if data: dataList = data.decode() for value in dataList.split('\n'): if not value.startswith("A:") and not value.startswith("B:") and not value.startswith("SNDA:") and not value.startswith("SNDB:") and "%" not in value: continue msgType = "[EXT]" if "*" in value else "" msgType = msgType + "[FD]" if "%2" in value else msgType msgType = msgType + "[FD][BRS]"if "%3" in value else msgType value = value.replace("%1", "").replace("%2", "").replace("%3", "").replace("*", "").replace(" t:", "").replace(":", " " + msgType + " ") if return_as_dict_list: data_list = value.split(" ") dataDict = {} dataDict["channel"] = data_list[0] dataDict["type"] = data_list[1] dataDict["id"] = data_list[2] dataDict["data"] = data_list[3].replace("_", " ").strip() dataDict["timestamp"] = data_list[5] retList.append(dataDict) else: if value.strip() != "": retVal += value.strip() + "\n" self.log_output(1, f"Received CAN message stream {str(retVal)}") except BlockingIOError: pass # no message available except Exception as e: self.log_output(0, f"Could not receive any CAN messages! --> {str(e)}") # all other errors return retVal if not return_as_dict_list else retList """ CAN BUS SETUP """ def mute_CAN(self, channel: str): """ Mute the forwarding of received CAN messages to the TCP/IP connection for one or both channels Args: channel (string): The destination CAN channel (A, B, AB) Example: slss_com.mute_CAN("A") mute forwarding of CAN messages for CAN channel A slss_com.mute_CAN("B") mute forwarding of CAN messages for CAN channel B slss_com.mute_CAN("AB") mute forwarding of CAN messages for CAN channel A & B """ chn = "CAN" if channel == "AB" else channel cmd = f"MUTE_{chn}||{str(self.port)}" try: self.send_command(cmd) self.log_output(1, f"Mute CAN channel {channel}") if channel == "A": self.chA_muted = True elif channel == "B": self.chB_muted = True elif channel == "AB": self.chA_muted = True self.chB_muted = True except Exception: self.log_output(0, f"Could not mute CAN channel {channel}") def unmute_CAN(self, channel: str): """ Unmute the forwarding of received CAN messages to the TCP/IP connection for one or both channels Args: channel (string): The destination CAN channel (A, B, AB) Example: slss_com.unmute_CAN("A") unmute forwarding of CAN messages for CAN channel A slss_com.unmute_CAN("B") unmute forwarding of CAN messages for CAN channel B slss_com.unmute_CAN("AB") unmute forwarding of CAN messages for CAN channel A & B """ chn = "CAN" if channel == "AB" else channel cmd = f"UNMUTE_{chn}||{str(self.port)}" try: self.send_command(cmd) self.log_output(1, f"Unmute CAN channel {channel}") if channel == "A": self.chA_muted = False elif channel == "B": self.chB_muted = False elif channel == "AB": self.chA_muted = False self.chB_muted = False except Exception: self.log_output(0, f"Could not unmute CAN channel {channel}") def set_speed(self, channel: str, speed: str): """ Set the CAN arbitration speed via the TCP/IP connection for one or both channels Args: channel (string): The destination CAN channel (A, B, AB) speed (string): The speed value of the CAN arbitration speed. ("1000", "500", "250", "200", "125", "100", "80", "50", "40", "33.3", "31.25", "20", "10", "5") Example: slss_com.set_speed("AB", "250") set both bus channels to 250kbit/s slss_com.set_speed("A", "500") set bus channel A to 500kbit/s slss_com.set_speed("B", "500") set bus channel B to 500kbit/s """ cmd = f"SET_SPEED||{channel}||{speed}" try: self.send_command(cmd) self.log_output(1, f"Set arbitration speed for CAN channel {channel} to {speed}kbit/s") except Exception: self.log_output(0, f"Could not set arbitration speed for CAN channel {channel}") def set_FD_active_state(self, channel: str, active: bool): """ Activate or deactivate CAN FD usage via the TCP/IP connection for one or both channels Args: channel (string): The destination CAN channel (A, B, AB) active (bool): The indicator if CAN FD is activated (True) or deactivated (False) for the given channel Example: slss_com.set_FD_active_state("A", True) activate CAN FD usage for channel A slss_com.set_FD_active_state("B", True) activate CAN FD usage for channel B slss_com.set_FD_active_state("AB", False) deactivate CAN FD usage for both channels """ state = "0" if not active else "1" cmd = f"SET_FD_ACTIVESTATE||{channel}||{state}" try: self.send_command(cmd) self.log_output(1, f"Set CAN FD active state for CAN channel {channel} to {str(active)}") except Exception: self.log_output(0, f"Could not set CAN FD active state for CAN channel {channel}") def set_FD_multiplicator(self, channel: str, multiplicator: int): """ Set the CAN FD data speed multiplicator value for one or both channels Args: channel (string): The destination CAN channel (A, B, AB) multiplicator (int): The multiplicator value for the data bitrate. (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 10) Example: slss_com.set_FD_multiplicator("A", 6) set multiplicator value for channel A to 6 (6 times of the current arbitration speed) slss_com.set_FD_multiplicator("B", 8) set multiplicator value for channel B to 8 (8 times of the current arbitration speed) slss_com.set_FD_multiplicator("AB", 4) set multiplicator value for both channels to 4 (4 times of the current arbitration speed) """ cmd = f"SET_FD_MULTIPLICATOR||{channel}||{str(multiplicator)}" try: self.send_command(cmd) self.log_output(1, f"Set CAN FD data bitrate multiplicator for CAN channel {channel} to {str(multiplicator)}") except Exception: self.log_output(0, f"Could not set CAN FD bitrate multiplicator for CAN channel {channel}") def set_FD_custom_state(self, channel: str, active: bool): """ Activate or deactivate the CAN FD custom setting usage via the TCP/IP connection for one or both channels Args: channel (string): The destination CAN channel (A, B, AB) active (bool): The indicator if CAN FD custom settings are activated for the given channel Example: slss_com.set_FD_custom_state("A", True) activate CAN FD custom settings usage for channel A slss_com.set_FD_custom_state("B", True) activate CAN FD custom settings usage for channel B slss_com.set_FD_custom_state("AB", False) deactivate CAN FD custom settings usage for both channels """ state = "0" if not active else "1" cmd = f"SET_FD_CUSTOMSTATE||{channel}||{state}" try: self.send_command(cmd) self.log_output(1, f"Set CAN FD custom setting usage for CAN channel {channel} to {str(active)}") except Exception: self.log_output(0, f"Could not set CAN FD custom setting usage for CAN channel {channel}") def set_FD_custom_settings(self, channel: str, clk_frequency: str, PSEG1_arb: int, PSEG2_arb: int, sync_jump_width_arb: int, trans_delay_compensation: int, prescaler_arb: int, prescaler_data: int, PSEG1_data: int, PSEG2_data: int, sync_jump_width_data: int): """ Set the CAN FD custom connection values via the TCP/IP connection for one or both channels Args: channel (string): The destination CAN channel (A, B, AB) clk_frequency (string): The clock frequency of the CAN transceiver. ("100", "80", "50", "48", "40", "33.33", "32", "25") PSEG1_arb (int): The PSEG1 value for the arbitration part PSEG2_arb (int): The PSEG2 value for the arbitration part sync_jump_width_arb (int): The sync jump width for the arbitration part trans_delay_compensation (int): The transceiver delay compensation prescaler_arb (int): The prescaler value for the arbitration part prescaler_data (int): The prescaler value for the data part PSEG1_data (int): The PSEG1 value for the data part PSEG2_data (int): The PSEG2 value for the data part sync_jump_width_data (int): The sync jump width for the data part Example: slss_com.set_FD_custom_settings("A", "80", 119, 40, 40, 8, 4, 2, 14, 5, 5) slss_com.set_FD_custom_settings("B", "80", 119, 40, 40, 8, 2, 4, 14, 5, 5) slss_com.set_FD_custom_settings("AB", "80", 119, 40, 40, 8, 1, 1, 14, 5, 5) """ cmd = f"SET_FD_CUSTOMSETTINGS||{channel}||{clk_frequency}||{PSEG1_arb}||{PSEG2_arb}||{sync_jump_width_arb}||{trans_delay_compensation}||{prescaler_arb}||{prescaler_data}||{PSEG1_data}||{PSEG2_data}||{sync_jump_width_data}" try: self.send_command(cmd) self.log_output(1, f"Set CAN FD custom settings for CAN channel {channel}") except Exception: self.log_output(0, f"Could not set CAN FD custom settings for CAN channel {channel}") def set_mode(self, channel: str, mode: str): """ Set the bus interaction mode for one or both channels Args: channel (string): The destination CAN channel (A, B, AB) mode (string): The bus interaction mode of the given channel. ("normal", "read-only", "off") Example: slss_com.set_mode("AB", "normal") set both bus channels to normal interaction mode slss_com.set_mode("A", "listen-only") set bus channel A to listen only mode slss_com.set_mode("B", "off") set bus channel B to off (deactivates transceiver) """ cmd = f"SET_MODE||{channel}||{mode}" try: self.send_command(cmd) self.log_output(1, f"Set bus interaction mode for CAN channel {channel} to {mode}") except Exception: self.log_output(0, f"Could not set bus interaction mode for CAN channel {channel}") def set_channel(self, channel: str): """ Select the monitored bus channel in the SLSS CANAnalyser software Args: channel (string): The destination CAN channel (A, B, AB) Example: slss_com.set_channel("A") monitor bus channel A only slss_com.set_channel("B") monitor bus channel B only slss_com.set_channel("AB") monitor both bus channels simultaneously """ cmd = f"SET_CHANNEL||{channel}" try: self.send_command(cmd) self.log_output(1, f"Set CAN channel {channel} as selected channel") except Exception: self.log_output(0, f"Could not set CAN channel {channel} as selected CAN channel") def set_id_format(self, format_short_text: str): """ Set the arbitration id notation format in the SLSS CANAnalyser software Args: format_short_text (string): The short-text of the used arbitration id notation (hex, dec, bin) as string Example: slss_com.set_id_format("dec") set arbitration format to decimal slss_com.set_id_format("bin") set arbitration format to binary slss_com.set_id_format("hex") set arbitration format to hexadecimal """ cmd = f"SET_ID_FORMAT||{format_short_text}" try: self.send_command(cmd) self.log_output(1, f"Set arbitration Id notation format to {format_short_text}") except Exception: self.log_output(0, f"Could not set arbitration Id notation format") def set_data_format(self, format_short_text: str): """ Set the data notation format in the SLSS CANAnalyser software Args: format_short_text (string): The short-text of the used CAN data notation (hex, dec, bin) as string Example: slss_com.set_data_format("dec") set data format to decimal slss_com.set_data_format("bin") set data format to binary slss_com.set_data_format("hex") set data format to hexadecimal """ cmd = f"SET_DATA_FORMAT||{format_short_text}" try: self.send_command(cmd) self.log_output(1, f"Set data notation format to {format_short_text}") except Exception: self.log_output(0, f"Could not set data notation format") def search_module(self): """ Search for connected CAN Dongles and connect to the first Dongle which is found """ cmd = f"SEARCH_MODULE" try: self.send_command(cmd) self.log_output(1, f"Search for connected CAN Dongle") except Exception: self.log_output(0, f"Could not search for connected CAN Dongle") def connect_module(self, COM_port: int): """ Connect to a know CAN Dongle by sending the COM port number of the Dongle Args: COM_port (int): The COM port number of the Dongle as integer Example: slss_com.connect_module(14) connect to Dongle which has is assigned to COM port 14 """ cmd = f"CONNECT_MODULE||COM{COM_port}" try: self.send_command(cmd) self.log_output(1, f"Connect to CAN Dongle on COM{COM_port}") except Exception: self.log_output(0, f"Could not connect to CAN Dongle on COM{COM_port}") def disconnect_module(self): """ Disconnect the established Dongle connection """ cmd = f"DISCONNECT_MODULE" try: self.send_command(cmd) self.log_output(1, f"Disconnect the CAN Dongle") except Exception: self.log_output(0, f"Could not disconnect to CAN Dongle") """ RUN MODE AND RECORDING """ def set_runstate(self, runState: str): """ Set CANAnalyser to play mode to collect CAN data Args: runState (string): The run state of the program to be set (play, pause, stop) Example: slss_com.set_runstate("play") set the runstate to play mode slss_com.set_runstate("pause") set the runstate to pause mode slss_com.set_runstate("stop") set the runstate to stop mode """ cmd = f"SET_RUNSTATE||{runState.upper()}" try: self.send_command(cmd) self.log_output(1, f"Set program to play mode") except Exception: self.log_output(0, f"Could not set program to {runState.lower()} mode") def rec_start(self): """ Start the logfile recorder function in the SLSS CANAnalyser software """ cmd = f"REC_START" try: self.send_command(cmd) self.log_output(1, f"Start recording CAN traffic") except Exception: self.log_output(0, f"Could not start recording CAN traffic") def rec_stop(self, absolute_filepath=None, overwrite_existing_file=False, csv_delimiter=","): """ Stop the logfile recorder and optionally save the recorded data to a disc drive Args: absolute_filepath (string): The absolute file path if the logfile should be saved to the disc drive after the record was stopped. The supported file format is *.csv or *.rcdf. overwrite_existing_file (bool): [optional/default=False] The indicator if an existing file with the same name should be overwritten (True) or if the filename should be enhanced with a unique number (False) csv_delimiter (string): [optional/default=","] The delimiter if the file is saved as *.csv file Example: slss_com.rec_stop("C:\\Bus_record.rcdf", False) stop log recording and save file in standard format slss_com.rec_stop("C:\\Bus_record.csv", False, ";") stop log recording and save file in csv format with ; as delimiter """ cmd = f"REC_STOP" if absolute_filepath is not None: overwrite = "0" if overwrite_existing_file else "1" cmd = f"REC_STOP||{absolute_filepath}||{overwrite}||{csv_delimiter}" try: self.send_command(cmd) self.log_output(1, f"Stop recording CAN traffic" if absolute_filepath is None else f"Stop recording CAN traffic and save data file to {absolute_filepath}") except Exception: self.log_output(0, f"Could not stop recording CAN traffic") """ PROGRAM WINDOW INTERACTION """ def load_project(self, absolute_project_filepath: str): """ Load an existing CANAnalyser project file (*.capf) from the disc drive Args: absolute_project_filepath (string): The absolute file path of the CANAnalyser project file (*.capf) Example: slss_com.load_project("C:\\MyV56TestProject\\CANAnalyser_project.capf") """ cmd = f"LOAD_PROJECT||{absolute_project_filepath}" try: self.send_command(cmd) self.log_output(1, f"Load SLSS CANAnalyser project file {absolute_project_filepath}") except Exception: self.log_output(0, f"Could not load SLSS CANAnalyser project file") def restart_software(self, start_tcpip_server=True): """ Restart the SLSS CANAnalyser software remotely and decide if the TCP/IP server should be started on program restart Args: start_tcpip_server (bool): [optional/default=True] The indicator if the TCP/IP server should be automatically started (True) after restart or not (False) Example: slss_com.restart_software(True) restart CANAnalyser and activate TCP/IP interface after startup """ server_restart = "1" if start_tcpip_server else "0" cmd = f"RESTART_SOFTWARE||{server_restart}" try: self.send_command(cmd) self.log_output(1, f"Restart SLSS CANAnalyser software and automatically start the TCP/IP server" if start_tcpip_server else f"Restart SLSS CANAnalyser software withouty starting the TCP/IP server") except Exception: self.log_output(0, f"Could not restart SLSS CANAnalyser software") def close_software(self): """ Close the SLSS CANAnalyser software remotely """ cmd = f"CLOSE_SOFTWARE" try: self.send_command(cmd) self.log_output(1, f"Close the SLSS CANAnalyser software") except Exception: self.log_output(0, f"Could not close the SLSS CANAnalyser software") """ GET INFORMATION OPERATIONS """ def get_connection(self): """ Get information about the current dongle connection state Return: (string): The received connection information from the SLSS CANAnalyser software """ cmd = f"GET_CONNECTION" data = "" try: self.mute_for_command_reply() self.flush_incoming_data() while True: data = self.receive_data_reply(cmd) if data.startswith("{") and data.strip().endswith("}"): self.mute_for_command_reply(False) break self.log_output(1, f"Retrieve the Dongle connection state from the SLSS CANAnalyser software") except Exception: self.log_output(0, f"Could not retrieve the Dongle connection state from the SLSS CANAnalyser software") return data def get_runstate(self): """ Get information about the current software run state (play, pause, stop) """ cmd = f"GET_RUNSTATE" data = "" try: self.mute_for_command_reply() self.flush_incoming_data() while True: data = self.receive_data_reply(cmd) if data.startswith("{") and data.strip().endswith("}"): self.mute_for_command_reply(False) break self.log_output(1, f"Retrieve the run state information from the SLSS CANAnalyser software") except Exception: self.log_output(0, f"Could not retrieve run state information from the SLSS CANAnalyser software") return data """ CLASS HELPER FUNCTIONS """ def receive_data_reply(self, command: str): """ [INTERNALLY_USED] This method is used to receive the reply of a data request Args: command (string): The command which should generate the reply in the SLSS CANAnalyser software Return: (string): The received reply from the SLSS CANAnalyser software """ data = "" retVal = "" try: cmd = f"CTRL:{command}#" self.sck.send(cmd.encode()) ready =[self.sck], [], [], 4) if ready[0]: data = self.sck.recv(4096) if data: retVal = data.decode() self.log_output(1, f"Received data request stream {str(retVal)}") except Exception as e: self.log_output(0, f"Could not receive any data request stream! --> {str(e)}") return retVal def send_command(self, command: str): """ [INTERNALLY_USED] Send a program control command to change different options and settings in the connected SLSS CANAnalyser software NOTE: This function is used internally by several comfort functions to transfer remote control commands Args: command (string): The control command string which should be send to the SLSS CANAnalyser """ cmd = f"CTRL:{command}#" try: self.sck.send(cmd.encode()) time.sleep(1) self.log_output(1, f"Send the control command {cmd} to the SLSS CANAnalyser software") except Exception: self.log_output(0, f"Could not send the control command {cmd} to the SLSS CANAnalyser software. Check the settings and if the TCP/IP interface is active in the CANAnalyser software!") def mute_for_command_reply(self, is_start=True): """ [INTERNALLY_USED] Class helper function to mute incoming messages while receiving remote command replies Args: is_start (bool): [optional/default=True] The flag if the incoming messages should be muted (True) or un-muted (False) """ if is_start: self.chA_muted_save = self.chA_muted self.chB_muted_save = self.chB_muted self.mute_CAN("AB") else: self.mute_CAN("A") if self.chA_muted_save else self.unmute_CAN("A") self.mute_CAN("B") if self.chA_muted_save else self.unmute_CAN("A") self.chA_muted = self.chA_muted_save self.chB_muted = self.chB_muted_save def set_debug_mode(self, debug_active: bool): """ [INTERNALLY_USED] Class helper function to enable or disable console the log output of this class Args: debug_active (bool): The indicator if the debug output generation is activated (True) or deactivated (False) """ self.debug_output = debug_active def log_output(self, log_level: int, log_txt: str, force_output=False): """ [INTERNALLY_USED] Class helper function to display the console log output in a structured format Args: log_level (int): The log level evaluation indicator (0=ERROR, 1=SUCCESS) log_txt (string): The string which should be displayed as log output force_output (bool): [optional/default=False] The indicator whether the log output should be written, even if debug mode is deactivated (True) """ if self.debug_output or force_output: lg_lvl = "ERROR" if log_level == 0 else "" lg_lvl = "SUCCESS" if log_level == 1 else lg_lvl dt ="%Y.%m.%d %H:%M:%S") print(dt + "\t\t" + lg_lvl + "\t\t" + log_txt)
Class variables
var sck
The type of the None singleton.
var ip_address
The type of the None singleton.
var debug_output
The type of the None singleton.
var port
The type of the None singleton.
var chA_muted
The type of the None singleton.
var chA_muted_save
The type of the None singleton.
var chB_muted
The type of the None singleton.
var chB_muted_save
def establish_connection(self)
Establish the TCP/IP connection to the SLSS CANAnalyser software manually after the instance was created without doing it. Please make sure that the Server in the software was started before!
def close_connection(self)
Close the TCP/IP connection to the SLSS CANAnalyser software
def flush_incoming_data(self)
Flush the receive buffer to remove all incoming TCP/IP data
def send_CAN_message(self, channel: str, id_decimal: int, payload_decimal: list, is_extended=False, is_fd_message=False, is_fd_bit_rate_switch=False)
Send a CAN / CAN FD message via the TCP/IP interface
- The destination CAN channel (A, B, AB)
- The can message arbitration id in decimal notation
- The CAN data payload as list of decimal numbers (0-255)
- [optional/default=False] The indicator if the message is send with extended arbitration id (True) or not (False)
- [optional/default=False] The indicator if the message is send as CAN FD message (True) or not (False)
- [optional/default=False] The indicator if the message should use the CAN FD bit rate switch (True) or not (False)
slss_com.send_CAN_message("AB", 10, [0, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70])
- send a standard CAN message (not extended) on CAN channel A and B to arb. Id 10
slss_com.send_CAN_message("AB", 20, [0, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70], True)
- send a extended CAN message on CAN channel A and B to arb. Id 20
slss_com.send_CAN_message("AB", 30, [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11], True, True)
- send a extended FD message without bit rate switch on CAN channel A and B to arb. Id 30
slss_com.send_CAN_message("AB", 40, [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11], False, True, True)
- send a bit rate switched CAN FD message on CAN channel A and B to arb. Id 40 def receive_CAN_message(self, return_as_dict_list=False, buffer_size=4096)
Receive CAN messages via the TCP/IP interface
- [optional/default=False] The indicator if the message information should be returned as list of dictionaries (True) or as string (False)
- [optional/default=4096] The size of the receive buffer
(string)/(dictionary) : The received CAN messages forwarded by the SLSS CANAnalyser software as string or list of dictionaries
def mute_CAN(self, channel: str)
Mute the forwarding of received CAN messages to the TCP/IP connection for one or both channels
- The destination CAN channel (A, B, AB)
- mute forwarding of CAN messages for CAN channel A
- mute forwarding of CAN messages for CAN channel B
- mute forwarding of CAN messages for CAN channel A & B def unmute_CAN(self, channel: str)
Unmute the forwarding of received CAN messages to the TCP/IP connection for one or both channels
- The destination CAN channel (A, B, AB)
- unmute forwarding of CAN messages for CAN channel A
- unmute forwarding of CAN messages for CAN channel B
- unmute forwarding of CAN messages for CAN channel A & B def set_speed(self, channel: str, speed: str)
Set the CAN arbitration speed via the TCP/IP connection for one or both channels
- The destination CAN channel (A, B, AB)
- The speed value of the CAN arbitration speed. ("1000", "500", "250", "200", "125", "100", "80", "50", "40", "33.3", "31.25", "20", "10", "5")
slss_com.set_speed("AB", "250")
- set both bus channels to 250kbit/s
slss_com.set_speed("A", "500")
- set bus channel A to 500kbit/s
slss_com.set_speed("B", "500")
- set bus channel B to 500kbit/s def set_FD_active_state(self, channel: str, active: bool)
Activate or deactivate CAN FD usage via the TCP/IP connection for one or both channels
- The destination CAN channel (A, B, AB)
- The indicator if CAN FD is activated (True) or deactivated (False) for the given channel
slss_com.set_FD_active_state("A", True)
- activate CAN FD usage for channel A
slss_com.set_FD_active_state("B", True)
- activate CAN FD usage for channel B
slss_com.set_FD_active_state("AB", False)
- deactivate CAN FD usage for both channels def set_FD_multiplicator(self, channel: str, multiplicator: int)
Set the CAN FD data speed multiplicator value for one or both channels
- The destination CAN channel (A, B, AB)
- The multiplicator value for the data bitrate. (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 10)
slss_com.set_FD_multiplicator("A", 6)
- set multiplicator value for channel A to 6 (6 times of the current arbitration speed)
slss_com.set_FD_multiplicator("B", 8)
- set multiplicator value for channel B to 8 (8 times of the current arbitration speed)
slss_com.set_FD_multiplicator("AB", 4)
- set multiplicator value for both channels to 4 (4 times of the current arbitration speed) def set_FD_custom_state(self, channel: str, active: bool)
Activate or deactivate the CAN FD custom setting usage via the TCP/IP connection for one or both channels
- The destination CAN channel (A, B, AB)
- The indicator if CAN FD custom settings are activated for the given channel
slss_com.set_FD_custom_state("A", True)
- activate CAN FD custom settings usage for channel A
slss_com.set_FD_custom_state("B", True)
- activate CAN FD custom settings usage for channel B
slss_com.set_FD_custom_state("AB", False)
- deactivate CAN FD custom settings usage for both channels def set_FD_custom_settings(self, channel: str, clk_frequency: str, PSEG1_arb: int, PSEG2_arb: int, sync_jump_width_arb: int, trans_delay_compensation: int, prescaler_arb: int, prescaler_data: int, PSEG1_data: int, PSEG2_data: int, sync_jump_width_data: int)
Set the CAN FD custom connection values via the TCP/IP connection for one or both channels
- The destination CAN channel (A, B, AB)
- The clock frequency of the CAN transceiver. ("100", "80", "50", "48", "40", "33.33", "32", "25")
- The PSEG1 value for the arbitration part
- The PSEG2 value for the arbitration part
- The sync jump width for the arbitration part
- The transceiver delay compensation
- The prescaler value for the arbitration part
- The prescaler value for the data part
- The PSEG1 value for the data part
- The PSEG2 value for the data part
- The sync jump width for the data part
slss_com.set_FD_custom_settings("A", "80", 119, 40, 40, 8, 4, 2, 14, 5, 5)
slss_com.set_FD_custom_settings("B", "80", 119, 40, 40, 8, 2, 4, 14, 5, 5)
slss_com.set_FD_custom_settings("AB", "80", 119, 40, 40, 8, 1, 1, 14, 5, 5) def set_mode(self, channel: str, mode: str)
Set the bus interaction mode for one or both channels
- The destination CAN channel (A, B, AB)
- The bus interaction mode of the given channel. ("normal", "read-only", "off")
slss_com.set_mode("AB", "normal")
- set both bus channels to normal interaction mode
slss_com.set_mode("A", "listen-only")
- set bus channel A to listen only mode
slss_com.set_mode("B", "off")
- set bus channel B to off (deactivates transceiver) def set_channel(self, channel: str)
Select the monitored bus channel in the SLSS CANAnalyser software
- The destination CAN channel (A, B, AB)
- monitor bus channel A only
- monitor bus channel B only
- monitor both bus channels simultaneously def set_id_format(self, format_short_text: str)
Set the arbitration id notation format in the SLSS CANAnalyser software
- The short-text of the used arbitration id notation (hex, dec, bin) as string
- set arbitration format to decimal
- set arbitration format to binary
- set arbitration format to hexadecimal def set_data_format(self, format_short_text: str)
Set the data notation format in the SLSS CANAnalyser software
- The short-text of the used CAN data notation (hex, dec, bin) as string
- set data format to decimal
- set data format to binary
- set data format to hexadecimal def search_module(self)
Search for connected CAN Dongles and connect to the first Dongle which is found
def connect_module(self, COM_port: int)
Connect to a know CAN Dongle by sending the COM port number of the Dongle
- The COM port number of the Dongle as integer
- connect to Dongle which has is assigned to COM port 14 def disconnect_module(self)
Disconnect the established Dongle connection
def set_runstate(self, runState: str)
Set CANAnalyser to play mode to collect CAN data
- The run state of the program to be set (play, pause, stop)
- set the runstate to play mode
- set the runstate to pause mode
- set the runstate to stop mode def rec_start(self)
Start the logfile recorder function in the SLSS CANAnalyser software
def rec_stop(self, absolute_filepath=None, overwrite_existing_file=False, csv_delimiter=',')
Stop the logfile recorder and optionally save the recorded data to a disc drive
- The absolute file path if the logfile should be saved to the disc drive after the record was stopped. The supported file format is .csv or .rcdf.
- [optional/default=False] The indicator if an existing file with the same name should be overwritten (True) or if the filename should be enhanced with a unique number (False)
- [optional/default=","] The delimiter if the file is saved as *.csv file
slss_com.rec_stop("C:\\Bus_record.rcdf", False)
- stop log recording and save file in standard format
slss_com.rec_stop("C:\\Bus_record.csv", False, ";")
- stop log recording and save file in csv format with ; as delimiter def load_project(self, absolute_project_filepath: str)
Load an existing CANAnalyser project file (*.capf) from the disc drive
- The absolute file path of the CANAnalyser project file (*.capf)
def restart_software(self, start_tcpip_server=True)
Restart the SLSS CANAnalyser software remotely and decide if the TCP/IP server should be started on program restart
- [optional/default=True] The indicator if the TCP/IP server should be automatically started (True) after restart or not (False)
- restart CANAnalyser and activate TCP/IP interface after startup def close_software(self)
Close the SLSS CANAnalyser software remotely
def get_connection(self)
Get information about the current dongle connection state
(string) : The received connection information from the SLSS CANAnalyser software
def get_runstate(self)
Get information about the current software run state (play, pause, stop)
def receive_data_reply(self, command: str)
[INTERNALLY_USED] This method is used to receive the reply of a data request
- The command which should generate the reply in the SLSS CANAnalyser software
(string) : The received reply from the SLSS CANAnalyser software
def send_command(self, command: str)
[INTERNALLY_USED] Send a program control command to change different options and settings in the connected SLSS CANAnalyser software NOTE: This function is used internally by several comfort functions to transfer remote control commands
- The control command string which should be send to the SLSS CANAnalyser
def mute_for_command_reply(self, is_start=True)
[INTERNALLY_USED] Class helper function to mute incoming messages while receiving remote command replies
- [optional/default=True] The flag if the incoming messages should be muted (True) or un-muted (False)
def set_debug_mode(self, debug_active: bool)
[INTERNALLY_USED] Class helper function to enable or disable console the log output of this class
- The indicator if the debug output generation is activated (True) or deactivated (False)
def log_output(self, log_level: int, log_txt: str, force_output=False)
[INTERNALLY_USED] Class helper function to display the console log output in a structured format
- The log level evaluation indicator (0=ERROR, 1=SUCCESS)
- The string which should be displayed as log output
- [optional/default=False] The indicator whether the log output should be written, even if debug mode is deactivated (True)