CommandParametersDescriptionExample call
SEND_ACAN ID – The arbitration ID for the CAN message

CAN data bytes – Underscore separated databytes in decimal notation

Extended flag [OPTIONAL] – * symbol as indicator for an extended (CAN 2.0B) CAN message

Message type extension [OPTIONAL] – The message type specification for CAN FD and bit-rate switched CAN FD messages.
Sends a CAN message to CAN channel A.

Note: Id and databytes are separated by a single whitespace and the databytes are separated by underscores.
If you want to send an extended (CAN 2.0B) CAN message, add the * symbol at the end of the message data bytes. If you want to send a CAN FD messsage add a whitespace separated “%2” and for a bit-rate switched message a “%3” at the end off the message.
SEND_A:123 255_255_255_0# (standard)
SEND_A:123 255_255_255_0*# (extended)
SEND_A:123 255_255_255_0 %2# (standard FD message)
SEND_A:123 255_255_255_0* %2# (extended FD message)
SEND_A:123 255_255_255_0* %3# (extended FD message with BRS usage)
Sends a CAN message to CAN channel B.SEND_B:123 255_255_255_0# (standard)
SEND_B:123 255_255_255_0*# (extended)
SEND_B:123 255_255_255_0 %2# (standard FD message)
SEND_B:123 255_255_255_0* %2# (extended FD message)
SEND_B:123 255_255_255_0* %3# (extended FD message with BRS usage)
Sends a CAN message to both CAN channels.SEND_AB:123 255_255_255_0# (standard)
SEND_AB:123 255_255_255_0*# (extended)
SEND_AB:123 255_255_255_0 %2# (standard FD message)
SEND_AB:123 255_255_255_0* %2# (extended FD message)
SEND_AB:123 255_255_255_0* %3# (extended FD message with BRS usage)
CTRL:MUTE_CANTCP/IP port – The port number which should be mutedMutes forwarding of all CAN messages to the connected TCP/IP port.

Note: All Remote-Control-Commands are flagged with a leading “CTRL:” and all following parameters are delimited with “||”.
CTRL:UNMUTE_CANTCP/IP port – The port number which should be unmutedUnmutes forwarding of all CAN messages to the connected TCP/IP port.CTRL:UNMUTE_CAN||49836#
CTRL:MUTE_ATCP/IP port – The port number which should be mutedMutes forwarding of CAN channel A messages to the connected TCP/IP port.CTRL:MUTE_A||49836#
CTRL:UNMUTE_ATCP/IP port – The port number which should be mutedUnmutes forwarding of CAN channel A messages to the connected TCP/IP port.CTRL:UNMUTE_A||49836#
CTRL:MUTE_BTCP/IP port – The port number which should be mutedMutes forwarding of CAN channel B messages to the connected TCP/IP port.CTRL:MUTE_B||49836#
CTRL:UNMUTE_BTCP/IP port – The port number which should be mutedUnmutes forwarding of CAN channel B messages to the connected TCP/IP port.CTRL:UNMUTE_B||49836#
CTRL:SET_SPEEDCAN Channel – The CAN channel on which the speed is to be changed (A,B,AB)

CAN Speed – the CAN arbitration speed value
Sets the CAN speed of one or both CAN channels.

Note: The speed can only be set if there is no dongle connection established!
CTRL:SET_FD_ACTIVESTATECAN Channel – The CAN channel on which the FD usage state is to be changed (A,B,AB)

FD Usage – State if FD usage is activated (1) or deactivated (0)
Sets the CAN FD active state for one or both CAN channels.

Note: The FD usage state can only be set if there is no dongle connection established!
CTRL:SET_FD_MULTIPLICATORCAN Channel – The CAN channel on which the FD multiplicator value is to be changed (A,B,AB)

Multiplicator value – The bitrate multiplicator value
Sets the CAN FD data rate multiplier for one or both CAN channels. The data field bitrate is then calculated from the arbitration bitrate multiplied by the set multiplier value.

Note: The FD multiplicator can only be set if there is no dongle connection established!
CTRL:SET_FD_CUSTOMSTATECAN Channel – The CAN channel on which the FD custom settings value is to be changed (A,B,AB)

FD custom settings usage – State if FD custom settings are activated (1) or deactivated (0)
Sets the CAN FD custom settings usage checkbox for one or both CAN channels.

Note: The FD custom settings usage state can only be set if there is no dongle connection established!
CTRL:SET_FD_CUSTOMSETTINGSCAN Channel – The CAN channel on which the FD custom settings value is to be changed (A,B,AB)

Clock Frequency – value of the CAN transceiver clock frequency [100, 80, 50, 48, 40, 33.33, 32, 25]

PSEG1 (Arbitration) – Phase Segment 1 of arbitration part

PSEG2 (Arbitration) – Phase Segment 2 of arbitration part

SJW (Arbitration) – Sync Jump Width of arbitration part

TDC – Transceiver delay compensation

Prescaler (Arbitration) – The prescaler value for the arbitration part

Prescaler (Data) – The prescaler value for the data part

PSEG1 (Data) – Phase Segment 1 of data part

PSEG2 (Data) – Phase Segment 2 of data part

SJW (Data) – Sync Jump Width of data part
Sets the CAN FD custom settings for one or both CAN channels

Note: The FD custom settings can only be set if there is no dongle connection established!
SET_MODECAN Channel – The CAN channel on which the CAN bus interaction mode is to be changed (A,B,AB)

Mode – CAN Bus interaction mode (normal, listen-only, off)
Sets the CAN bus interaction mode for one or both CAN channels.

Note: The CAN bus interaction mode can only be set if there is no dongle connection established!
CTRL:SEARCH_MODULEAutomatic search and connect to a CAN dongle which is connected to the USB port.

Note: The dongle search can only be started if there is no dongle connection established!
CTRL:CONNECT_MODULECOM port – The COM port to which the dongle is assignedEstablishing a connection to a specific CAN dongle

Note: The dongle connection can only be established if a dongle is not already connected!
CTRL:DISCONNECT_MODULEDisconnects the dongle from the software.CTRL:DISCONNECT_MODULE#
CTRL:SET_RUNSTATERunstate – The run state of the program to be set (play, pause, stop)Sets the current run state of the program (play, pause, stop).CTRL:SET_RUNSTATE||PLAY#
CTRL:REC_STARTStarts recording of CAN messages in the CAN Logfile Recorder tab.
File save path [OPTIONAL] – Path and file name of the log export. The export is possible as a *.csv or *.rcdf file.

File Overwrite Indicator [OPTIONAL]– Sets the file overwrite indicator. A set 0 [default] means that a log file with the same name will be overwritten, whereas a set 1 means that overwriting is prevented by using numeric prefixes (001_filename, 002_filename, etc.)

Special Delimiter Character [OPTIONAL] – Defines the special character that is used as a separator for the csv export instead of the localization-specific character.
Stops recording of CAN messages and optionally saves the recorded data to a given file.

Note: If no parameters are given, the recording is stopped without saving the logged data.



CTRL:SET_CHANNELCAN Channel – The CAN channel which will be selected in the channel drop-down box (A,B,AB)Sets which CAN channel configuration is selected in the “Choose CAN Channel” drop-down box.CTRL:SET_CHANNEL||A#
CTRL:SET_ID_FORMATThe ID format – Abbreviation for the arbitration ID format (dec, hex, bin)Sets the notation for the arbitration ID format (binary, decimal, hexadecimal).CTRL:SET_ID_FORMAT||dec#
CTRL:SET_DATA_FORMATThe data format – Abbreviation for the data format (dec, hex, bin)Sets the notation for the data format (binary, decimal, hexadecimal).CTRL:SET_DATA_FORMAT||dec#
CTRL:LOAD_PROJECTFile path – The file path of the project file to be loadedLoading an SLSS CANAnalyser project that is saved under the specified path.

Note: A project can only be loaded if there is no dongle connection established!
CTRL:RESTART_SOFTWARETCP/IP start indicator [OPTIONAL] – State if the TCP/IP interface is enabled 1 or disabled 0 (default) after restartRestarts the SLSS CANAnalyser and optionally sets the active status of the TCP/IP interface after the restart.CTRL:RESTART_SOFTWARE#
CTRL:GET_CONNECTIONGets information about the current Dongle connection status.CTRL:GET_CONNECTION#
CTRL:GET_RUNSTATEGets information about the current program run state (play, record, stop, pause)CTRL:GET_RUNSTATE#

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